The project is inspired by the morphology of the region’s villages, which often cluster buildings of various sizes around an open courtyard. Schools are complex structures in which diverse and interdisciplinary activities take place, interspersed with the passage of time: the hours of study, refreshment, work, play, sport, music. The indoor and outdoor lighting design has among its objectives energy sustainability, environmental, visual and psychological comfort, an integral partof the architectural design, which is achieved by ensuring homogeneous lighting, excellent colour rendering, pleasant vision in the absence of marked shadows, glare, reflections Fundamental is the safety of the lighting as it must be fully guaranteed in view of the fact that the spaces are used by children. Although this is a 2013 project (end of construction 2018), the latest LED source luminaires are used. Important is the positioning of the lamp that integrate with the architecture and must be out of reach of the pupils. For example lighting solutions, in the ‘Salle de rythmique’, circular design luminaires with different diameters are installed recessed in the ceiling, thus generating dynamism and rhythm in the environment; the classrooms are characterised by suspended light lines that integrate architectural light with the exposed wooden beams. The architecture of the nursery and primary schools concretises spaces for children and young people, becoming an educational tool through space, matter, colour, daylight and electricity, which is why lighting designer plays a decisive role.
Piero Castiglioni
Ruffieux-Chehab Architects SA
Photo Courtesy:
Madame Primula Bosshard
2013 – 2018
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The constant search for innovation and the continuous dialogue to satisfy customer needs translate into a continuous lighting engineering study. This section contains all recently completed projects and projects in progress.