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Italy | Siena | The Old City Centre

The architect Piero Castiglioni is commissioned by the City of Siena to draw up a plan for lighting the side streets of Siena’s Piazza del Campo. Their poor lighting makes them little frequented. The architectural lighting design prior to the project by lighting designer Piero Castiglioni was based on projected light: the luminaire illuminated the wall opposite and did not emit any light onto the street. The new lighting plan provides for façade lighting and street lighting: two projectors were mounted together using a common plate, with up and down emission. The height of the installation, the colour chosen, and the new design proposed minimise the visual impact of the luminaires. The up emission is switched off at a certain time of night. The blade of light emission, the cut-off optic directed towards the roadway, the symmetrical optic and the special diffuser screen directed towards the upper part of the façade in front produce a constant and diffuse illumination of the streets and buildings, with good illuminance levels on the vertical and horizontal planes, glare-free and pleasant to live with. The rationalisation and technological updating of the existing fixtures and sources make it possible to obtain immediately appreciable results in terms of urban planning and visual comfort without altering the existing system structure. The wrought iron lanterns, a constant presence, were therefore maintained, replacing the existing sources with the latest metal iodide lamps with ceramic burner, increasing the illuminance values and standardising the colour temperature, with high colour rendering, to give a sign of continuity and order to the urban fabric. Piero Castiglioni’s first project in Siena was in 1989 at Chigi Saracini Palace for the exhibition “La Scultura”, in 1990 for the exhibition “Domenico Beccafumi ed il suo tempo”, and in 1993 for the exhibition “Francesco di Giorgio Martini”, both in the Church of S. Agostino.

Lighting Design Piero Castiglioni

Gae Aulenti Associated
Francesca Fenaroli Architect

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Other Projects

Orsay Museum where architecture became a big lighting device, the reflections of light bulbs with walls and ceilings create a uniform light without shadows. Groups of projectors in Grassi Palace recall a small football field. Here was born a new type of lighting device. Reflector lamps and articulated support gives life at the "Cestello". Spasa na Krovi is a perfection of Mantova project. Light beams aggregation allow the device size reduction and the dispersion light control.

Detail of the lighting system used
View of the ceiling glass windows with lighting
Outdoor spaces with architectural lighting
A night view of the illuminated building
View of the rooms and the exhibition path
Deputies with the lighting used
View of the complex with night lighting
The stage of the Teatro Comunale of Florence
The works of art inside the illuminated Papal Stables
The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci with the lighting used
Full view of the illuminated theater
Full view of the Cultural Center building
One of the rooms with the works on display and the lighting fixtures
Overall view of the Banca Lombarda building in Brescia
Overall view of the central courtyard of the service center
Detail of the illuminated facade of the Dior building
Front view of the Lingotto building in Turin
Front view of the main entrance facade
View from the outside of the building and the facades
Front view of the staircase of Santa Maria del Monte
Overall view of the concert hall
The illuminated hall of the Poldi Pezzoli Museum
Exterior view of the museum building
View of the museum from the water
Front view of the Il Sole 24 Ore Seat building
The lighting fixtures installed on the ceiling
Viktor & Rolf Showroom inside the showroom
Overall view of a room with ceiling lights
Another central view of the illuminated hall of Palazzo Marino
The lighting of the Salone delle Feste at the Quirinale
The illuminated waiting canopies
Entrance to the exhibition set up of Gianni Versace
Front view of the windows of the picture gallery
Il Porto Antico di Genova in una vista notturna
Detail of the lighting of the internal courtyard
Night view of the outline of the city of Mantua
Illuminated night view of the entrance courtyard
Night view of Malba - Costantini Foundation illuminated
Overall view of the Hall
Central view of the illuminated Galleria Vittorio Emanuele
The night lighting of the Sanctuary
Night view of the Italcementi Research Center
Night view of Porta Nuova Garibaldi Repubblica complex
St. Petersburg Spasa na Krovi outdoor lighting - master
Venice Grassi Palace outdoor night view- master
Museo d'Orsay Paris frontal view - master
Detail of the lighting system used
View of the ceiling glass windows with lighting
Outdoor spaces with architectural lighting
A night view of the illuminated building
View of the rooms and the exhibition path
Deputies with the lighting used
View of the complex with night lighting
The stage of the Teatro Comunale of Florence
The works of art inside the illuminated Papal Stables
The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci with the lighting used
Full view of the illuminated theater
Full view of the Cultural Center building
One of the rooms with the works on display and the lighting fixtures
Overall view of the Banca Lombarda building in Brescia
Overall view of the central courtyard of the service center
Detail of the illuminated facade of the Dior building
Front view of the Lingotto building in Turin
Front view of the main entrance facade
View from the outside of the building and the facades
Front view of the staircase of Santa Maria del Monte
Overall view of the concert hall
The illuminated hall of the Poldi Pezzoli Museum
Exterior view of the museum building
View of the museum from the water
Front view of the Il Sole 24 Ore Seat building
The lighting fixtures installed on the ceiling
Viktor & Rolf Showroom inside the showroom
Overall view of a room with ceiling lights
Another central view of the illuminated hall of Palazzo Marino
The lighting of the Salone delle Feste at the Quirinale
The illuminated waiting canopies
Entrance to the exhibition set up of Gianni Versace
Front view of the windows of the picture gallery
Il Porto Antico di Genova in una vista notturna
Detail of the lighting of the internal courtyard
Night view of the outline of the city of Mantua
Illuminated night view of the entrance courtyard
Night view of Malba - Costantini Foundation illuminated
Overall view of the Hall
Central view of the illuminated Galleria Vittorio Emanuele
The night lighting of the Sanctuary
Night view of the Italcementi Research Center